Sunday, November 4, 2012

Baby Items Sweat Shop!

I've been working on baby items! There are four baby showers happening or ones that I have missed (or embarrassingly forgot to bring a gift to!) and I have some chenille and other fun stuff that was supposed to turn into matching bib-burp cloth-paci leash-onesie sets that I was going to sell for $20 on craigslist or to facebook friends. Trying to keep this family afloat with my free time. (Why does it smell like coffee in here? We are not coffee drinkers nor do we own any coffee. Sorry, tangent.)

These friends are finally motivating me to get working on these fun things I meant to do back in June! I'm such a slow poke! It has been fun picking up some tidbits of information from my friends - I know the colors and themes of some of the nurseries - so I get to add that personal touch and I hope that the items turn out well. Rather than just stopping at four sets, though, I hope to churn out 20-30 and sell the others. And maybe save some for more gifts so I don't have to whip together a present last minute.

The projects are still in the works, but I've cut out and ironed on almost half, just need to do some sewing and a little more cutting for the girlies. Two girls and two boys, nicely split. Congrats to the ladies and I hope I will quit spacing on these baby showers and baby gifts. I really do like attending them, and making these presents,d and I hope that you and your babies enjoy them too!

Flashback! Baby Bootie Sweat Shop! No fun! Right before baby showers and Christmas, 2011.

Still, all that hard work and back-breaking labor at the sewing machine produced something quite lovely and useful.

And these booties have a girly touch. Quite possibly.

Update! I've finished a few. I hope to do more, and learn from my mistakes. For instance, it varies but usually people like the chenille to go underneath with the cotton showing. I wonder if it's because food pieces and gunk and spit up are probably harder to get out of the chenille side, as opposed to the cotton side. But it would still have the same absorbency even with the cotton facing out. Hmm. Pondering.

For Ashley's baby boy - Hot air balloon theme. Love it! And she loves chevron. She's also particular in her tastes so I hope I got it right!

This one is for Angie's little girl. Oops, she's probably 2 months now. Maybe 3. I'm a horrible friend.

This one is more unisex, in case someone doesn't want to find out the sex of their baby. Also it is for sale if you want to buy it. I also hope to make a matching paci leash. I need to buy more paci clips.

Now time to make some matching onesies. Here's a tried and true applique I did for the neighbor girl when she had a birthday! :-)



P.S. Chenille makes a mess and yes it is starting to feel like the "baby booties sweat shop" all over again. That's not the fun part.

P.P.S. Ashley got another Etsy order in for a leather-like vinyl baby bean sack for photographers and their photo shoots. She outsources the sewing to me and gives me $20! I definitely can't complain! As soon as she gets the material, I will be sewing on it. And that kind of motivates me to hurry and sew these other items first! And I'm going to put the link here as soon as I can get it from Ashley!!!

If you are a fancy rich person, you could buy one of her Etsy bean bag covers (filling not included). Maybe I will sew your order! Newborn Photography Posing Beanbag

Here is what the baby bean bag looks like.

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